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Plym Valley Miniature Railway


Meet the team

So who are we:


Peter Smith - Head of Plym Valley Miniature Railway

Peter is brains of the hold PVMR project but it is not something that he can run himself so he has a small group of helpers that help to keep the project moving.

Samuel Pallett - Head of PW and Construction

Samuel is the brains behind all of construction of and track work at the PVMR, Samuel has been driving miniature trains for many years. 

David Smith - Chef Electrician 

David is the one that gets the call if are have electrical problems or it is time for servicing and overhaul.

Aaron Sargent - Head of A & P Miniature Railway Hire

In need of a miniature railway you can hire Aarons your man he oversees the portable hire side, with lots of school hires and private parties under his belt there is not much he would turn down. 


Joshua Pinhey

Alex Baines

Tash Langton

Holly Gask

Brian Sargent

Steve Fry